Hour by Hour (almost) Day in the Life

As you all know (or can tell), I love a regular day in the life post. These are so simple to write as a college gal going through paper ~szn~ and it’s sweet for my past self to look back on. I definitely will get back to writing the deeper questions type posts when school dies down and I come up for air. It’s actually been a hot minute since I’ve done a deep dive post and I’m definitely missing it.

College Friday in my life

There weren't a lot of pictures so bear with me as I describe my Friday. I woke up at 7:30 because I have my Sociology of the Family at 8:00, and this Friday I had a debate on whether or not marriage makes women happier and healthier. Since I was on the pro side, we went first. I think it went super well. My partner and I were super in sync even with the technology hiccups. Because Zoom, you know?

Our upbringing informs our relationships in a remarkable way

Given some reading I’ve done, The Defining Decade by Dr. Meg Jay, a lot of my conversations with friends have circled around how our upbringing informs our relationships. I’ve been lucky to have been going on walks with friends and getting to have conversations about on these sorts of things. It’s intensely personal but getting … Continue reading Our upbringing informs our relationships in a remarkable way

Reflection on my Third Year First Semester

Hey friends! It’s finally that time of year - a time to reflect on the past semester and relay to you all what I’ve learned. I actually had some trouble writing this post for some reason. This semester was different than what I thought my third year would be. Given how much a pandemic factored into my experience, I’d say that I made the best of this semester.

A weekend in my life

Given the fact that I’m coming down to my last few days of my fall 2020 semester, I wanted to capture a weekend in my life in order to look back and reflect on it in later times.

Planning for Winter Break in 2020

2020 has been rough. *ahem* That’s an understatement. 2020 has been one hell of a year. With COVID going all across the country, lockdowns, doing work/school from home, not to mention the general uncertainty, it’s a strange time to enter the holiday season. School is currently wrapping up for me. I have 2 more weeks of classes and then a week of exams before I get to fully rest up and recover from the 14 weeks of Fall 2020.

Sunday Day in the Life

I decided to do a Sunday day in the life of college because each day is different, and I honestly never know what it’s gonna be like by the time the end of the day comes. I also figure that when I look back on my college experience, it would be nice to have some days in my life for remembrance’s sake. I’ll probably end up doing a few of these this semester.

Dorm Tou of Junior Year

Dorm Tour of Third Year

Welcome to my 3rd year dorm tour! The dorm tour that should’ve occurred in August but COVID’s been turning this year upside down. It’s ~finally~ here!! Woooo!!! Maybe I’m the only one excited because when I look back on my college years, I won’t have to use my faulty memory to remember what my room looked like and how I decorated it. So ultimately I write for posterity.

How to Improve Time Management as a College Student

I have a long list of tips to share with you all. Tell me in the comments which of these do you use. Time Management Tips Plan your week in advance Before you start a new week, whether it is Sunday night or Monday morning, look at your goals and priorities and plan for them. … Continue reading How to Improve Time Management as a College Student

What I’ve Learned From Podcasts – Edition 2

Often as I walk around Grounds to go to class or head off to the library, my headphones are tuned in to my latest obsession at the moment - podcasts. Now that we're stuck inside, whenever I take a walk, I listen to a podcast - to learn more about the word and my place … Continue reading What I’ve Learned From Podcasts – Edition 2

Reflection on Second Year

College. The time of your life. Where you meet your best friends, where you have your late night adventures. Where you figure the next few years of your life. Second year ended early due to the school shutdown and I returned home to New York, where I have been finishing up classes and trying to … Continue reading Reflection on Second Year

What I’ve Learned From March 2020

This last month has been so strange and it has taught me a lot as our lives turn into the quarantine rhythm. At the beginning of the month, I was so excited about spring break and I had one more week to get through in order to get to rest. When spring break got interrupted, … Continue reading What I’ve Learned From March 2020