orientation | Columbia chronicles

If you are confused about the headline to this post, you probably missed the last one. Here it is. You should totally check that out. I am in a new season and it feels exciting, and so the most natural thing is sharing it all with you! I’m calling this year of grad school the … Continue reading orientation | Columbia chronicles

Life Update of August 2023

This is it. This is the post we’ve all been waiting for. Walter Bishop at the beginning of Fringe, “So much has happened here, and so much is about to.” So it is in the spirit of Dr. Bishop, I continue. *screams excitedly* It’s almost mid-August and I’m writing this on a Sunday. I don’t … Continue reading Life Update of August 2023

vacation in the poconos

There’s a delicious shiver of anticipation when you’re going on vacation. You feel it as you pack, eager to land in a new space and just breathe. You notice it when you’re scrolling, looking for activities or restaurants that you now know you have the potential to stumble upon. It’s there as you begin your … Continue reading vacation in the poconos

A New Season: Losing Teeth and Entering Fall

As of late, I’ve had three separate dreams where my teeth were falling out of my mouth. So I did what anyone would do. I Googled. Losing teeth usually means a variety of things: a big life change has occurred or will occur, you have lost something of monumental value, or you are having a … Continue reading A New Season: Losing Teeth and Entering Fall

Rivers & Change

Even for the few days August has arrived, she has come with a heat all on her own. She leads many to porches and backyards, eager for a breeze and fighting off the mosquitos that are desperate to take their land back