death, love, and grief

Hi friends! It’s been quite a day (a Tuesday when I write this to you). I had some health things that came up, so I just wanted to say take care of yourselves and check in on loved ones. It sucks that so many I love live far from me and I have to relay … Continue reading death, love, and grief

How I read War and Peace

So how did I do it? How did I manage to read War and Peace this year? Honestly, I have a few answers and a million thoughts about Tolstoy’s greatest work. So let’s begin! How did I read War and Peace? I had a few things in my favor. The biggest one was TIME. If … Continue reading How I read War and Peace

A New Season: Losing Teeth and Entering Fall

As of late, I’ve had three separate dreams where my teeth were falling out of my mouth. So I did what anyone would do. I Googled. Losing teeth usually means a variety of things: a big life change has occurred or will occur, you have lost something of monumental value, or you are having a … Continue reading A New Season: Losing Teeth and Entering Fall

the trees are shaking off what is dead

The trees are shaking off what is dead to make room for the living. This is a weird one. That statement isn’t quite true yet. The trees are still green. Fall hasn’t begun to touch their edges. They are clinging to the last vestiges of summer while we wait in eager anticipation of cooler days and cozy nights.

But in the transition between winter to spring, this is what happens. The trees begin to shake off what is dead to make room for the living. The brown leaves of decay lie on concrete, and slowly but surely, we see new life spring up in the form of bright, green leaves. There are two tales here and one tree.

In every possible future, you have to die | quote series

If you were ever to meet me in real life, you’d come to slowly find out that I love sci-fi. Not necessarily the Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica-sci-fi, but YA sci-fi and more specifically, Fringe. Fringe is my favorite TV show ever. I’ve always loved Olivia Dunham and I think it's an incredibly fun, thought-provoking show. It’s been a while since I’ve last binged the series on the whole, but it is on Amazon Prime if you’re interested. 

Dreams, Grief, and Fruit

I mentioned a few blog posts ago that I’ve been loving my Next Right Thing Guided Journal. I truly recommend it if you ever need some questions and guidance to help you journal. And of course, I have tons of blog posts on journaling. But for me, I’ve been noticing this theme of returning grief. I wrote about grief a while back in this post. And while that was super helpful to get off my chest, it doesn’t feel quite finished.